
I grew up in an entrepreneurial family, where everyone was working and still does. It is probably part of my genetics, part of the environment in which I was raised and it is due to my parents and relatives, too. But in the end, it was my choice. As a girl I was dreaming of becoming the president of a multinational company - I called that manager. While my peers played outside, I rather spent my free time in my parents’ company, working, learning, and gaining experience. That was my playing time. And when the time came, I enrolled at the study of economics.

Thanks to the experience gained in our family business, in 2008 I started my own company with my first partner, and in 2016 I became a bit wiser and decided to start my own journey - I founded A1 and worked on my ideas, searched for partners, manufacturers and customers who appreciate quality, origin and ecology. During my twenty years of work I have developed a passion for searching for innovative products. I found it fascinating when these products are also simple because I believe that true beauty lies in simplicity. The result is every product in the range that we offer. Together with my team, I find and decide what we will present to the market. Of course, everything we offer to our customers, we use ourselves. It is a great pleasure for us to win a new customer, who may be in doubt at the beginning the usefulness of healthy and ecological products – that this customer discovers that something healthy can also be tasty.

My story does not end with me being a chairperson of a large multinational company. I went a step further. I am happy because I am working and making my dream come true. I run my own business, I create value with people with whom I share the same values ​​and passion for a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for your trust - enjoy the products we have chosen for you.

Staša Brozina, founder of the A1 Company

Znate li kako opremiti svoju vegansku smočnicu?

Znate li kako opremiti svoju vegansku smočnicu?

Veganska je prehrana zahtjevna te na samom početku od nas traži dobru organizaciju i informiranost. S dobrim odabirom osnovnih namirnica, možete pripremiti raznovrsna, hranjiva i ukusna veganska jela bez obzira na vaš stil kuhanja. U nastavku donosimo popis namirnica koje su baza kvalite
Jesu li makrobiotička i veganska prehrana iste?

Jesu li makrobiotička i veganska prehrana iste?

Makrobiotička i veganska prehrana često se spominju u istom kontekstu zdravog života, čak se govori i da je to 'ista stvar', ali je li ispravno smatrati ih istima? Dok obje prehrane promoviraju konzumaciju biljne hrane i minimalnu obradu namirnica, njihove filozofije i praksa razlikuju se na ključne
Najčešće zablude o veganskoj prehrani: slažete li se s njima?

Najčešće zablude o veganskoj prehrani: slažete li se s njima?

Veganuary je pokret veganske zajednice diljem svijeta čiji je cilj približiti vegansku prehranu većini. Veganska je prehrana često 'na repertoaru' zlobnih komentara i nerijetko se povezuje s raznim zabludama koje ciljaju prikazati ju kao neizbalansiranu i nedovoljno hranjivu. Danas s vama dijelimo n

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