Bakin' Mix: winner of the Red Dot Design Award


Bakin' Mix is a Croatian gluten free brand of mixtures for bread, pastries and cakes. It was developed in Croatia with local nutritionists and experts. It is a high-quality product and comes in a wide range of products at competitive prices. The products are completely safe for everyone, and are especially recommended for people with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy or those who follow a gluten-free diet. The brand is not only unique because of its quality, but also due to the simplicity and speed of preparation of many desserts, cakes, pastries and bread.
The best design in the world
Bakin' Mix features quality, as well as an innovative and modern design. This design has been recognized worldwide and this year it won the prestigious Red Dot Award: Brands and Communication Design 2020 for a top-class innovative design idea in packaging in the food industry. This award is assigned by the Red Dot GmbH & Co. KG. from Essen, Germany. A notice of this year’s winner was made public in mid-July. The entries for the Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design 2020 are submitted within 17 categories and 36 industries; the first winner was awarded in 1955 and since then the Red Dot has been considered one of the most prestigious international design awards. The good design and creative achievement at the world level this year was judged by a 24-person expert jury in the field of communication design. Bakin’ Mix was elected first in a competition of 6,992 candidates from around the world.
How was the idea born?  
The process of brand development and product packaging design took about six months. The brand design was developed thoroughly, carefully and with a lot of love. 

Our work was based on the research and analysis of similar products both on the Croatian market and internationally. The branding process included naming, defining of the visual identity of a series of products and the packaging design. It takes a team to get where you want, and in our case it was the A1 All Natural team and myself. We worked closely together and everybody contributed according to her and his knowledge and experience. To me personally it was important to have the goals of the brand defined and communicated clearly from the very start. - Veronika Uravić Čolak, designer   
Bakin' Mix has the form of packaging which is determined in advance as it is the case with other similar category products, but as such it opened the possibility for us to use the appearance of the actual product (powder) in creating the "face" of the brand, a grey-hairedgrandma with a bun. The packaging design thus emphasizes the basic value of the brand - the connection between tradition and modern nutritional needs - not only through the name, but also through the overall idea, reminding the consumer of the warmth and unique flavours and aromas of grandma's kitchen. After many months of planning and hard work, the Bakin' Mix design was ready. There was the petrol-blue packaging, with the image of a grandma in the middle. Each package is decorated with a differently coloured heart with the brand and product name. The unique combination of modern and traditional design has won the hearts of many consumers, including the Red Dot expert jury.

This is a great incentive and tailwind for our first brand of products, which will certainly help to successfully position the product on the Croatian and international market. With this project we have proven that we care about the overall quality of a product. This is seen in the care and attention that was devoted to its development. We had a good team working on the project, with Veronika being our first choice. In addition to a valuable product, we developed a design that is in line with the existing trends, and thus we commit ourselves to the highest standard in every business segment of our Bakin' Mix brand. The feedback of everyone who saw the product was very positive from the very beginning, but still, I have to admit that the award has come as a surprise because the competition was really tough." – Staša Brozina, manager 
Finally, we wish to thank all who were and still are involved in our Bakin’ Mix project. This is just the beginning of our journey and of the idea that was created a long time ago. We are open to hearing any constructive proposal you might have, or a homemade product which fits into our product line. In that case, do not hesitate to write to us.

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